I was still a little tired from the hike up Mt. Carrigain the previous day, so I wanted to do something on the shorter side. I had always heard good things about the Sugarloaves. While that awkward name is given to a surprising many peaks in our neck of the woods, I speak of the two ledgy peaks just off Zealand Road near Twin Mountain. These are quite easily seen from Rt. 302 while heading toward Crawford Notch.
I parked my car, shouldered my pack (always prepared, no matter how short the hike), and set off on the Sugarloaf Trail. It was a gorgeous day and the walk up was quite nice and never got too steep. It’s easy to see why these little peaks are popular so with people of all ages. Just under a mile from the trailhead I arrived at the junction of the trails to the two peaks.
I opted to go out to the higher peak, being Middle Sugarloaf, first as this would get most of the hike’s climbing done early and the rest of the trip would be an easy stroll. This was also supposed to be the best view too. A short-but-lovely half-mile later I clambered up to the summit ledges and was taken aback by the expansive views. A great perspective of the Presidentials was the highlight of this trip for me.
After a quick lunch on the sun-soaked rocks I set off for North Sugarloaf. In no time I was back at the trail junction and on my way down the North spur. This was also rather easy walking and I arrived this set of ledges shortly thereafter. The views from this peak are lesser, but also stunning and would make a good destination by themselves for a shorter hike. I still give preference to it’s higher Middle neighbor, which rates highly on my list of best bang-for-your-buck peaks.
3 years ago
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